Taking another bite
Gaymalevampire has been online for over four years now, and the site has grown and changed a lot in the last few years. Two years ago, this site was not much more than a few reviews about gay vampire films, then I opened the coffin lid a bit more and started focusing on providing as much information about gay vampires as I could. Along the way the site’s look has changed, mostly through minor tweaks, including a few this weekend.
While I am pretty open about my vampire fetish, I don’t always have all the time in world to devote to updating gaymalevampire.com, and sometimes there is just not much happening to require an article. But you guys come to visit the site day after day and that keeps me going. Now, let’s have a look at the latest gay vampire news.
So where are we in the world of gay vampires? I was moaning about the lack of The Lair news the other day, but that was part of a bigger vampires on tv moan. What about on the big screen? Nothing new there either, except one reader pointed out that the movie Eulogy for a Vampire is available for order from amazon.com (read the news item from last year when the film was originally released). Unfortunately there’s little gay content in all the latest and upcoming vampire films. Twilight has been a mixed blessing—vampires are popular right now but Hollywood will over do it and burn out viewers and we’ll head into a vampire recession.
Until now I have avoided talking about the movie Vampires Suck. Apparently the werewolves are gay. That sucks. Moving on, it amazes me the number of times I come across an article, forum comment or blog post whining that “vampires are gay” or “Twilight is gay”. The latter is not (sadly) and even though vampires are gay, there’s still too not enough gay vampire content out there. At least in my fantasies, all vampires are gay.
Last summer I had the opportunity to be interviewed about gay vampires for Unzipped magazine (now deceased). One of my old articles led the writer to question me about the lack of gay vampire content and general low point for vampires. The article was very well timed—vampires were just beginning to make a comeback. In the last year fans of gay vampires have seen another season of The Lair, Twinkblood and Twinklight. I am very grateful of everyone who has written a book, made a movie or been sucked off by a vampire. Hopefully we soon see some more original work.
As a matter of fact, we still await additional episodes of Twinklight coming, I am told, at the end of September to members of Twinklight.tv. And there’s a message in the end credits of Twinklight, the possibility of a sequel. But that’s about all I know.
In other vampire news: The English version of Let the Right one in will be playing the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), and soon making it to the big screen. This should be an exciting remake that I’m looking forward to seeing.
Another movie that will also be premiering at the TIFF, Stake Land, is being called a vampire road movie, but it’s a vampire-zombie crossover and the vampires are not portrayed very nicely. Probably a miss.