Welcome to the new Gay Male Vampire
In this new post-Twilight world vampires are being reborn. New movies and books will continue to be made and we can have a rest from fangless sparkly vampires. Things are changing here at Gay Male Vampire to keep up with the time. A new design has spread across the site and there will be more articles and news in the coming months all about vampires, not just the gay ones.
The new site is wider and ‘responsive’, which means it adapts to different screen sizes and devices. There are more photographs, many even larger than before. However photos are missing from old articles and many images may look really crap blown up to the new size, hopefully you don’t mind the transition period. For now the navigation has stayed pretty much the same, now it’s above the logo rather than being to the right. Search is back, and (possibly annoyingly for some) more social things. I tend to avoid facebook, so my personal profile is very lacking (I had to create it to get our Facebook page). But maybe I’ll start updating it. Feel free to ‘Like us’ or follow us on Twitter.
Aside from branching out and covering more non-gay vampire news, I hope to start giving vampire fashion, gear and culture advice. These changes are meant to prepare the site for a community just for gay vampire and their lovers (no firm date yet).
I invite everyone to use the comments below to complain about how the new site is shit and you don’t like the change 😉 Or not. If instead you like it or have a suggestion, let me know in the comments. Many thanks to my vampire friend Mike for doing all the technical work, and to my boyfriend for indulging my vampire fetish (and taking all my bites).
Wow, looks great. I tried it on my phone. Well done Sebastien.
Great layout…works awesome on pgone
Hi Sebastian,
Found this gay short film via youtube:
Really cool. Hope you enjoy!