Help make the film Vampire Strippers Must Die a reality
Billed as Magic Mike meets Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Vampire Strippers Must Die features an all-male troop of strippers who meet vampires while touring Eastern Europe. Filming will take place this fall, but first the filmmakers need your help to fund the movie and there’s just 14 days left.
The men of Overnight Male are certainly not the Chippendales, but they still have the moves. Six weeks into their tour, growing tired and beginning to fight among themselves, the troop come face to face with Romania’s famous bloodsucking undead. Now things start to get interesting as some of the boys are turned and a vampire hunter/ex-boyfriend who shows up.
The trailer sets the storyline, but it leaves many questions. Based on the name of the movie, it would seem more than one stripper becomes a vampire (from the interviews we know at least the characters of Tyler and Rick become vampires… but will more be turned?). Personally I’m rooting for Cowboy Joey played by American Top Model finalist Bryant Wood to also get fangs (he’s the one in the middle of the poster, with bite marks on his neck). Now for some sad reason, if the title is anything to go by, writer Keith may have decided that the vampire strippers must die (which is also silly because if any vampires were needing to die, it might be better for the local vampires who turned them). Here’s hoping there are some good plot twists along the way and the vampire strippers don’t get brutally murdered; a troop of male vampire strippers, now that would be hot!
The cast includes fitness supermodels, Pablo Hernandez and John Suazo, and other talent new to the screen. Vampire Strippers Must Die marks writer/director Keith Hartman third feature film. The script won first place in the 2010 NY Gay & Lesbian Film Festival’s screenplay competition, so this story has simmered away waiting to be produced.
While the campaign is to raise $125,000, the fundraising is flexible so they don’t need to real that goal to successful fund the project. The script written, the cast picked, and production dates set, Vampire Strippers Must Die is still going to be made, but the more the campaign raises, the better the final production with special effects, fight scenes, wire-work and stunts, plus all the fangs needed for the hot strippers (we certainly don’t want to see them cut corners there, a proper fangsmith can make or break the vampires).
With two weeks to go, there’s still time to contribute to the Indiegogo campaign, and there are lots of perks to be had if you contribute. Give between $20—25 and you’ll receive either a digital download or DVD of the film; if you’re near Los Angeles there are several perks available like being an extra in the film. (I’m going to pick the digital download perk since I can’t go to LA, but I’m going to give more). Let’s make Vampire Strippers Must Die a reality.
(Check out some of the videos with the actors below).