I have viewed Bitten and I wasn’t all that impressed. Most of the scenes containing the vampire were lit poorly and there wasn’t much biting going on. Maybe there’s hope that the filmmakers will do a sequel, after all the full title is “Bitten: just the beginning”, and that would mean the boy bitten in the film becomes a vampire. Reading the description of the last seen, “…Hunter joins his man in bed and goes to sleep, this is Wade’s perfect time to BITE him and bring him to his side!”, it would seem that Hunter is turned. We don’t get to see this, unless the pay-per-view version (which is shorter) was missing some crucial scenes. The DVD cover has the best image of our vampire Wade as most of the scenes in the film where Wade is shown baring his fangs are lit with a blue light as well the online version was streaming poorly. I don’t even have a descent still from the movie to share with you. The premise is far hotter than the resulting film. Until I can view the DVD, I’m giving Bitten a 2.5 out of 5. View it for yourselfpay-per-view, however unless the DVD version is significantly better, I wouldn’t recommend buying the DVD.
Hey Guys!
Thank you for the comments regarding my title BITTEN Just The Beginning. You both are right regarding the lighting with the Wade Wilder the Vampire, amongst other things. I was concentrating so much more on the subliminal messages and the sex that I was not even considering the biting. I did not want it to be gory and too bloody maybe that is why.
I have recently sold DiamondBack Pictures and have bought Ace’s Entertainment, Inc aceboys.com and acemalemodels.com
we are currently working on the 2nd installment of Bitten but it will be featured as a Valentine’s Day Vampire release.
Feel free to contact me with ideas, fantasies or anything you would like to see in the next installment.
Thanks again
Aaron Kline