Reflective mood
I’ve asked for your opinion and I have received many helpful suggestions for content and new features on Gay Male Vampire, such as more news, book & ebook reviews, plus some type of community or dating feature. And this has put me in a reflective mood. There’s a lot I can do to improve the website but I may need to do a lot of changes, or maybe it’s time for a new design (which is somewhat easier).
See the web has apparently changed since I switch the site to the current design. We use our mobiles more and there are tablets. Basically we use a variety of screen sizes, even on our laptops and desktops. New designs accommodate the various devices and give a richer experience. That’s my excuse for wanting to change the design. Of course I could just be fiddling with the design when I should be focusing on all the other things on my list. Then again my friend Mike will have to change the design so it’s not really my problem
While the votes are so far few, I’ve enlisted the help of my techie friend to switch the site to a new design (with some adjustments). Apologies for any odd behavior on the site over the next week as we test things and make the switch. My hope will be that the site will have more pictures and work better for all the new gadgets we gays like to own. This change will hopefully also make it easier for us to add a community feature soon. And more content is being added at the same time!