Sex Among Friends 2: and the Vampire
Purchase Sex Among Friends 2: And the Vampire:
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The Brazilian adult film industry is making headway on the gay vampire front. In the second Sex Among Friends video a vampire makes up a cute three-some using loveballs toys. The vampire is kept to the first scene only, so save your money if you only want to see gay vampire porn. Basically we know he’s a vampire thanks to his zombie-like eyes. After the sex scene, the three boys are sitting on a couch when the vampire reveals his fangs and he feeds.
The vampire was good looking and his eyes were great. The fangs, when they appeared, were not the best I’ve seen and the biting was medium quality (the second victim seemed to be silently screaming).
Quick facts
Running time: 91 mins (vampire scene, 20 mins)
Overall rating: 3/5
Guys: 3/5
Vampire quality: 2.5/5
Amount of vampire action: 2/5
Vampire action: bared fangs (seen better fangs), biting, hot guys
Worth the money: just the first scene
Basically since only one scene is worth watching, head over the AEBN for the scene on-demand: watch Sex Among Friends and the vampire
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