The Bite

The Bite
Someday I might actually get to see the entire Bite. Channel1Releasing which now owns the Catalina catalog has The Bite exclusively available on demand through their website. But the web version was cut down to 70 minutes from the DVDs 90 minutes. From all the synopsises I’ve read there should have been more biting and some turning but those scenes were apparently cut, taking out of the film the actual reason I’d want to watch it; come on I can see regular porn, I came for the vampires.

The first and last scene from the cut I saw, had the majority of vampire action, although we see flashes through out of the main vampire. I really wanted to see the two frat boys from the second scene become vampires or used to satisfy someone’s blood lust. Again it may have been the cut-down online version.

Quick facts:
Running time: 70/90 mins
Overall rating: 2/5
Guys: 2/5
Vampire quality: 3/5
Amount of vampire action: 1.5/5
Vampire action: fangs, biting, one victim turned
Worth the money: not worth streaming; buy DVD, but on sale

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