Twinklight: Dylan seduces Tanner
For the first time in over a year two Twinklight episodes will be released in the same month and just under the wire. Twinklight has been making regular instalments of the gay vampire series about every 3 weeks, so when the last video dropped on January 5 I was expecting one more in January. Of course this is cutting it.
Lined up and ready to be released on Wednesday, the next episode features two new actors, Dylan Chambers and Tanner Shane and we don’t know much about this scene except that Tanner is corrupted by bottom Dylan. Basically it could go either way, Dylan could be the vampire or possibly Tanner.
It’s also worth noting (well I think it is), this will be episode 34, and we’re still missing episode 31. Was it too hot for us to handle or are the videos just being shown out of order (it’s happened before). Does it even matter? Catch up with our episode guide
Twinklight has been progressing an a regular pace, but very little of the story is moving forward. After the appearance of a new crop of boys, including the steamy Conner, where we had some regulars and the return of a story, things haven’t moved forward all that much. There have been a few new regulars, Carson Evans and Giovanni Lovell, but not much else. Yet the episodes have been pretty good lately—plenty of fangs, biting and blood to go with the sex. However they’re not quite leaving me filled.